Congressional Gold Medal Tour Sponsors
American Heroes: Japanese American World War II Nisei Soldiers and the Congressional Gold Medal was developed by the Smithsonian’s National Museum of American History in collaboration with the National Veterans Network and circulated by the Smithsonian Institution Traveling Exhibition Service. Accompanying educational materials were developed by the National Veterans Network in partnership with the Smithsonian Asian Pacific American Center.
Cole Chemical is the lead sponsor for the national tour. Additional support is provided by AARP, Comcast/NBC Universal, the Japanese American Veterans Association, Pritzker Military Library, the Shiratsuki Family, Southwest Airlines, and the Spirit Mountain Community Fund.

Our special thanks to Southwest Airlines for their continued commitment to honor the Japanese American WWII veterans by sponsoring their flights to both the Congressional Gold Medal Ceremony in Washington DC in November 2011 and National Opening of the Congressional Gold Medal Tour in New Orleans on January 12-13, 2013.
The National Veterans Network gratefully acknowledges the following donors:
Congressional Gold Medal Tour Sponsors
Leading National Sponsor
- Cole Chemical
National Sponsor ($25,000 – $50,000)
- Comcast/NBC Universal
- Japanese American Veterans Association / Bob Nakamoto
- Pritzker Military Library
- Shiratsuki Family Trust
- Southwest Airlines
- Spirit Mountain Community Fund
Platinum ($10,000-$24,000)
- Donna Fujimoto Cole
In honor of George Fujimoto, 442nd RCT, Service Company - Pan Pacific American Leaders and Mentors (PPALM) / Diane and Michael J. Yaguchi
In honor of Michael Matsudaira, MIS; John Matsudaira, 442; Frank Yaguchi, 442, Kenji Yaguchi, 442; Masao Abe, MIS - Toyota Motor Credit Corporation
- Union Bank
Gold ($5,000-$9,999)
- Rosemary O Abriam
- Sylvia and Matt Kerrigan
- Glenn & Kathleen Madokoro
In memory of Lieutenant Colonel Shigeshi Madokoro, Military Intelligence Service - Raytheon
- Virginia Hobbs Suyama and Family
- In memory of Eji Suyama, 442 RCT, Company K
Silver ($1,000-$4,999)
- Nancy Allen
- Armed Forces Insurance Exchange
- Association of United States Army
- Joyce Ashizawa-Yee
- Anita Carmen
In honor of George K. Fujimoto, 442nd RCT, Service Company - Anne and Albert Chao
- Robert Masao Baba, DDS
- Chicago Nisei Post #1183
In memory of Thomas Ibata and George Ito - George & Mary Fujimoto
- Lori Ann Fujioka and David G. Knutson
In memory of Tsutomu Fujioka, 442nd RCT - Teruko N. Fujikawa and Family
In Honor of Osamu Sam Fujikawa, 100th Inf Bn, Co C - Glenn and Debbie Furuya
In memory of Hiroo Furuya, 100th Infantry Battalion, Company D - Go for Broke Association
- Howard Hieshima
- Darlene and George Hirasaki
- Alan Hirasuna
- Dorothy Ishimatsu
In memory of PFC Hiroshi Nagano - Kay and Phil Iwata
- Japanese Ancestral Society of Portland
- Jason and Carmen Kamiya
- Ardaven K. Kozono
In memory of Mary Nitta Kozono - Richard J. Langdon
In memory of Albert Takeshi Nakata, MIS - Linda Matsui
- Daniel Matthews
- Shizuka Mine and Sharon Hidaka
In honor of Kei Mine, AAF, 603 AE Sq 509 Comp Gp
- H.P. Mizue
In memory of SSG Paul Mizue, Military Intelligence Service, Far East Command - Ruby Mizue
In memory of PFC Tadao Ibaraki, 100th Infantry Battalion, Company A - Tomio Moriguchi
- Colleen Morimoto
- Anne Naito-Campbell
- Samuel T. and Mary K. Naito Foundation
- Steven Naito
- Lynn Nakamura
In memory of Ben Rikio Nakamura, 442nd RCT - National JACL
- Ann Newman
- Kenneth Nitta
In Honor Of Hakuzo Nitta, 442nd RCT, MIS - Northern California Western Nevada Pacific District of JACL
- Mr. and Mrs. Larry Oda
In memory of Robert J. Ishimatsu - Laurine Ota
In memory of “Tatsuo “Tats” Miura, 442nd RCT - Portland Business Alliance
- Portland JACL
- Yasuhiko and Amy Saitoh
- Ellen Sawamura, Ph.D. and Howard Kline, MD
- Sam Sugidono
In memory of Jiro Sugidono, 442nd, Company L - Yuzo M. Tokita
- Judy and Dennis Uyemura
In memory of George Joji Uyemura. 442nd RCT - Herbert Yanamura
- Tokuji Yoshihashi
Bronze ($100-$999)
- 1st Presbyterian Church of Altadena
- Donna Kishi Abbott
In memory of Hajime James Kishi, MIS - Helen Oda Abe
In memory of George J. Abe (442) and James S. Oda (MIS) - Laurie Akiyama
- Robert Amano
- Wayne Araki
In memory of SSF Kazumasa Araki, 442nd, Company G - Colonel Michael K. Asada
- Elizabeth Babin
In honor of Kenneth N. Takehara, 442nd RCT - Dave and Tom Barrows
- Richard and Barbara Beeler
In honor of Shig Doi, 442/100, Company I - Treva Bell
- Peter Berkowitz
- Mary & Paul Bobrowich
In honor/memory of SSG Tatsuo Miura, 442nd RCT, Service Co. - Linda Bosserman
- John Bradshaw
- General David Bramlett
In honor of Ed Ichiyama, 522nd FAB - Diane Bravender
In honor of Masao Masuda, MIS, 519 Military Police
In memory of Kazuo Masuda, 442, Company F and Takashi Masuda, 442, Company F - Daniel and Dorothy Chow
- Bruce and Cindy Brenn
- Dolly Brennenman
In support of the Nisei WW2 Heroes Congressional Medal Tour and my friend & heroine: Donna Fujimoto Cole - Carolyn Brown
In memory of Charlie H. Hamasaki, MIS - Albert Chin
- Faye J. Chin
In honor of George Fujimoto - Sandra Togashi Chong
In memory of H. John Togashi, 442nd RCT, Company E - Angela Cipolla
- Ryan Cree
- Nancy Davis
In memory of Richard Kawasaki, MIS - Christine DeRosa
In memory of Susumu Ota, 100th Battalion/442nd Infantry - Myron Dobashi
- Janice Doi Sears
- Thomas Doyon
In memory of Lt Eugene T Doyon 442nd - Colin Dunn
- Kay Endo
- Lawrence Enomoto
- Mr. and Mrs. Brian Ericson
In memory of Kenneth Yoshito Fujii, MIS - Sherin Ferguson
In honor of Yukio Kawamoto, MIS, 37th Infantry - Kristina Fett
- Cecil Fong
- Friends and Family of Nisei Veterans
- Keith Fudena
- Bradford Fujii
In memory of Frank Matsumoto, 442nd - Tami Fujii
- Lori Fujimoto
In memory of Tom Fujimoto, MIS - Karri Fujisawa-Kane
In honor Jim J. Tokushige, 442nd RCT - Ann Fukutome
In honor of Ben T. Fukutome, Staff Sgt, 3rd Battalion, 442nd RCT - George Fukayama
- Charles and Amy Furumasu
- Alice Furumoto-Dawson
- Betty and Kim Gee
- Debra Glitz
- Richard Hamai
- Edgar and Helen Hamasu
- Asa Hanamoto
- Donald B. Hamano
In memory of Susumu Kunishige, 100th Battalion, Co. A - Marcia J. Hara
- Ann Haruki-Pinedo, Ed Pinedo, Jaime, Andrea and Tina
In honor of Hiroshi “Roscoe” Haruki, 232nd Engineers - Masaru and Marcia Hashimoto
- Valerie Hashimoto
- Glenn Hayashi
In honor of Kazuma “Bud” Hayashi, MIS - Myron and Carol Hayashida
- Yvonne Heckman
In honor of my 93 year old father, Tokuichi Nakano, 442nd Regimental Headquarters - Diana Hinatsu
- Michele Hinatsu
- Sally Hinatsu
- Christina Hino
In honor of Kenji Hino, Regimental HQ - Donna Hiraga-Stephens
In honor of Keiji J. Hiraga, Military Intelligence Serivce (MIS) - Brig. General James T. Hirai
- Susan Hodge
- William M. Holmes
- Samon Horii and Joyce Chung
- Neil Horikoshi
- Dale Shimoda Horos
In honor of Mr. Terry Shima, 442nd - Leo Hosoda
- Houston JACL
- Robert and Sally Idemoto
In honor of John Minoru Sakamoto, 442nd RCT and in memory of George Sakamoto, Japan Occupation - Dale Ikeda
- Mildred Ikemoto
In memory of Henry Ikemoto, 442 RCT, Anti-Tank Company - Dennis and Patsy Irie
In memory of Masaji Irie - Carl, Valerie and Wesley Itamura
In honor of Joe M Onchi, 442nd RCT - Christine Iwami
In memory of Robert Tamura - Jani Iwamoto
- Ralph S. Iwamoto
- Ellen Iwasaki
In loving memory of Akira “Ike” Iwasaki, Company D, 100th Infantry Battalion, 442nd RCT - Jana Iwasaki
In honor of Akira “Ike” Iwasaki, 442nd, Company D - Ronald Iwasaki
In Memory of Jimmy Mizote, 442nd, George Natsuhara, MIS and Akira “Ike” Iwasaki,442nd
In Honor of Arthur “Art” Iwasaki, 442nd and Edward “Ed” Fujii, MIS
By: nieces and nephews - Raquel Izumi
- Jack and Irene Joe
- Carol Kamada
- Glen and Kim Kajiyama
- Naomi Kakiuchi
- Susan Kamb
- Laura Masunaga and Art Kameda
In honor of John M. Masunaga, 442, E Co. - Luis E. Kamei
In memory of Alfred G. Kame, 100th Infantry Battalion, Company C - Neil Kamikawa
- Edward Kamiya
- Harry Kanada
- Jimmie and Lynn Kanaya
- Bruce Kanegai
- Kanki Family
In honor of Mamoru Kanki, MIS - Suzan Kaninau
In Memory of James S. Kawashima Sr. 100th Infantry Company B - Mandy and Willian Kao
- Sylvia Kawabata
In memory of Taketo Kawabata, 442nd, G Company - Ike Kawahara
- Lester Kawahara
- Yukio Kawamoto
- Sherman and June Kishi
- Debbie Kitchin/InterWorks
- Nancy Kitano
- Pattie Kitano
- Jeff Kiyomoto
In honor of George Yoji Kiyomoto, MIS - Charles and Doris Kobayashi
In honor of Tadao Kobayashi, MIS - Masumi and Sally Kobayashi
In memory of Dave T. Kawagoye, 442 RCT - William Koida
In honor of Oregon Nisei Veterans - Thomas and Janet Kometani
- Annette Kondo
- Tom T. Koshio
- George and Mary Kozu
- Marian M. Kubota
In memory of Yoshio (Mike) Kubota, MIS - Steven Kumagai
- Phyllis Kurio
In memory of James Susumu Oura - Karen Kuroda
In memory of Frank T. Kuroda, 442, Company G - Tad and Helen Kuroda
In memory of Dave T. Kawagoye, 442nd RCT - May Kuroiwa
- Jason Kuroiwa
- James I. Jr. Kuroiwa
- Eric Kuwahara
- Connie Kwan-Wong
- Setsy and Chip Larouche
In memory of Mitsuru “Joe” Shiraishi, Military Intelligence Service - Robert Lee
- Amy Lilly
In honor of Kenneth N. Takehara, 442nd RCT - Elaine Lipps
- Lynn Longfellow
In honor of my father, Walter Fuchigami, MIS - Michelle Looser
- Victor and Peggy Lum
- Roxann Luttner
- Grace Lynn
- Irene Maeda
In memory of Lincoln S. Maeda, 442nd RCT, Cannon Co. - Marianne Matsumoto and Yoshihara nieces
In honor of Arthur Iwasaki and Ed Fujii. In memory of Akira Iwasaki and Jim Mizote - Jill M. Masunaga
- Mary Masunaga
- Kent Matsuda
- Allen H. Meyer
- Carol Mimura
In honor of James Toshiaki Mimura, 442 RCT, Fox Company - Kay Minaga
- Robert Mita
- Kirk Miyake
- Toshio Miyashita
In honor of Iseo Michigashihira, 442 RCT - Florence Mizumoto and family
In honor of Robert Katsumi Mizumoto and Henry Toshiharu Uyehara
- Major General James H. Mukoyama, Jr., Ret.
In honor of Akira R. Toki, Co A, 100th Bn, 442nd RCT - Nadine Moorin
In honor of Masayoshi Tsuda, 442 RCT, 100th Battalion, Company C - Akiko Tamura Mori
In memory of Lawrence Y. Mori - Floyd Mori
In memory of Shigeru Mori - Ron Mori
- Carolyn K. Morinishi
- Frank Muramatsu
In memory of George Muramatsu, MIS - Kim Muromoto
- Peggy Nagae
- Gary Nagaoka
In honor of Shiro Nagaoka, 442 RCT, Company I - Brian A. Nagata, Kevin E. Nagata and Colleen A. Alverez
In honor of Tom Tokiharu Nagata, “I” Company - Mike Nakada
- Steve Nakagawa
In Honor of Toshio William Nakagawa, MIS - Ann Nakagawa-Murata
- Tom Nakaguchi
In memory of James M. Nakaguchi, 442 RCT, 3rd Battalion, Headquarters - Allen Nakamoto
- Aileen Nakamura
In honor of George Itsuo Nakamura, MIS - Janice Nakao
- Larry Nakatsu
- Albert Nakazawa
- Calvin Ninomiya
- Cindy & Sharon Nishihara
In memory of Joe Nishihara, MIS - Teresa Nishikawa
In memory of William Susumu Nishikawa, MIS - Richard Nishimori
- Lanette Nishimura
In honor of my Uncle, Takuichi Nakano, 442nd 100th - David Nishitani
- Kirk Nishiyabashi
In honor of Tsunehiro “Nick” Nishibayashi - Cynthia Nitta
- Janet Nunamaker
- Mary Oda
In memory of James S. Oda, MIS - Yoshio and Sawako Oda
- Timothy Ogawa
In honor of Terry Ogawa, 232nd Combat Engineering Company/442 RCT - Susan Oka
In memory of Isao Oka, Military Intelligence Service - Mari and Harry Okabayashi
- Allen Okamoto
- Julie L. Okamoto
In memory of Takashi Okamoto, 442 RCT, Company F - Richard K. Okamoto
- Alexander Okimoto
- Gary Okazaki
In memory of George Okazaki, 442, Company G - Charles M. Okimura
- Mildred Okimura
In honor of Charles M. Okimura, Unit 6205th Okinawa Interpreter - Sue Okuba
In honor of Jimmy Doi, G Company, 2nd Battalion, 442nd RCT and Michael John Doi, A Company, 100th Battalion, 442nd RCT - Joe and Toby Onchi
- Oregon Nisei Veterans
- John and Amy Peterson
In honor of Richard Mishima, 100th Inf. Battalion, Co. B - Robert Protsman and Erin Okamoto Protsman
In honor of George T. Okamoto, 442 RCT, Co. I. - Sharon and Garrett Quon
In memory of Robert Hikaru Yamazaki, MIS - Lillian Reyer
- Jane and Stan Roberts
In memory of Dave T. Kawagoye, 442 RCT, Anti-Tank Co. - Diane Rosin
In honor of Muneo M. Okusa, Military Intelligence Service - Darlene Ruh
In honor of Smiley (Hisao) and Mae Mizusawa - Patricia Rumble
- Linda Enomoto Russell
In memory of Roy M. Enomoto, 100th Battalion, Company B - Shanon S. Russell
- Tom Saiki
In honor of Tomizo Saiki - Diane Sakai-Furuta
- Samuel Sakamoto Family
In honor of Samuel Mitsuyoshi Sakamoto, 100th Infantry Battalion, A Company - Judy Sakanari
In honor of Ret. Lt. Col. George R. Sakanari, MIS and 442nd RCT - Mitsue Salador
In memory of Sho Endow, Jr. 442 RCT and Frank Hachiya, MIS - Dale Ann Sato
In memory of Dave T. Kawagoye, 442nd Anti-Tank Co. - Naomi Sato
In memory of Dave Kawagoye, 442nd RCT - Pauline Sato
- Stephen Sato
In memory of my dad, Shukichi Sato, 100th Battalion, F-Company - Yone Satoda
- Daisy Satoda
In honor of Yonekazu Satoda, MIS - Sawada Family
In memory of Major Yukio Kenneth Sawada USA (ret) MIS - Leah Segawa
- Joanne Seiden
In memory of Henry Masashi Kawano, 100th Battalion, Headquarters - Robert Serikaku
- Dr. Bradley Seto
- Michael and Ann Shima
In honor of Yoshio J. Morita (aka James Y. Morita), 100/442 F-Company - A.M. Shimada
In memory of Bell M. Shimada (442nd, MIS) - Dr. Paul Shimizu
- Ted Shimizu
- Warren Shimoishi
- Anne Shimojima
- Calvin M. Shintani
- Helen Shirakawa
In memory of PFC Takeo Kaneichi - Genevieve Shiroma
- Shiroyama Family
In honor of Fumio Shiroyama, 442nd - Colleen Shishido
In honor of Yukio Naguwa, 442nd RCT, Company I, 4th Platoon - Charles and Phyllis Smith
In memory of PFC Takuichi Nakano, 442 RCT, 100th Battalion, Company A - Jewel Smith
- Stockton JACL
- Karen & Gary Sturdy
In Memory of Kazuo Hinatsu, 442 RCT, Headquarters Company - John, Mary Nakata, James and David Sunada
In honor of Yoneto Nakata of MIS - Dan Suruki
In honor of Ikuo and Esther Suruki - Carol Suzuki In memory of Yori Tambara
- Clarence Suzuki
- Tracy Suzuki
- Major General Antonio Taguba, Ret.
- William Takakoshi
- Gary Takenaga
In memory of Masami Takenaga - C. Christine Takata
- Kerry Takenaka
- Ronald Tamada
In memory of Kay Tamada, MIS - Diane Tanaka Suzuki
- Sandra Tanamachi
In honor of Saburo Tanamachi, 442nd RCT, E Company, and Taira Nakao, MIS. - Gary Tanigawa
- Metta Tanikawa
In honor of John M. Tanikawa, MIS - Paul Tashima
- William Tatsui
- David L. Teragawa
In memory of Edward M. Teragawa, MIS - The Teragawa Family
In honor of Edward M. Teragawa, MIS, 2nd Lt. - Gerald Teramae
In memory of Shinichi Teramae, 442nd RCT Anti-Tank Company - Joy Teraoka
In honor of Denis K. Teraoka, 100th Infantry Battalion, Company D - Wade Tetsuka
- John Tobe
- Takeko Todo
In memory of Jiro Todo, MIS - Yoshiko Togashi
In memory of husband, H. John Togashi, 442nd RCT, Company E - Dolly Tokunaga
- Neal Tomita
In memory of SSgt Tatsuo Miura , 442d, RCT, Service Co - Wendy Jo-Toyama
- Linda and Jan Toyota
In honor/memory of Yoshio Toyota, 442nd RCT - Karen Tso
- Masuo and Ann Tsuda
- Fumiko Tsugawa
In memory of Mitsuo “Mike” Tsugawa, 442 RCT, Company F - Vanessa Usui and A. Kimberlee Stafford
- Tina Walker
- Mari Watanabe
- Samuel and Matsue Watanabe
In Honor of Roy Matsumoto’s 100th Birthday - Hanako Wakatsuki
Woodrow Mann Wakatsuki, Military Intelligence Service: Counter Intelligence Corps - Virgil Westdale
- Suma Yagi
- Gerald Yago
- James S. Yamaki
- Gary Yamamoto
- Gwen and John Yamamoto
In memory of Masayoshi Yamamoto, 442nd RCT - Russell Yamazaki
In memory of Robert Hikaru Yamazaki, MIS - Sid and Kathi Yamazaki
In memory of Robert Yamazaki, MIS and Harry Yamashita, 100th - Jean Mine Yang and Thomas Yang
In memory of Jumpei Mine, 100th Bn, Co. D; 442nd RCT, Co. H - La Monica Yarbrough
- Homer and Miyuki Yasui
In honor of Roku Yasui, MIS - Ronald and Miye Yoshida
- Robert Feigo Yoshinaga
- Tamie Yusa-Ogawa
Contributor ($50-$99)
- Frances Benbow
- Lani Bennett
- Leonard J. Bergstein
- Shirley Cassell
- Brett Egusa
- Shedd, Caroline and Grace Farley
- Andrew and Margo Fowler
- Judy Furukawa
- Alan and Marsha Furutani
- Aisha Ghori
- Carol Guerra
- Mariam Haddad
- Mary Hamasaki
- Kenneth Hayashi
- Craig Hirai
- Kerry Idemoto
- Charles Ijima
- Debra Imai-Williams
- James Iso
- Rich Iwasaki
- Shirley Kagiyama-Manley
- Gwen Kawashima
- Steven S. Kawashima
- Takeshi Kawashima
- Beatrice Kikawa
- Anne Komoto
- Carol Komura
- Chosei Kuge
- Janelle Kuroda
- Celia Lishiie
- Carrie j. Matsuo
- Q McMahan
- Allen H. Meyer
- Amy Moss
- Mark Nakagawa
- Roy Nakashima
- Christine Nagami
- Karen Narasaki
- Joyce and William Otsuka
- Priscilla Ouchida
- James and Charlotte Oura
- Joyce Peterson
- Victorina Piccio
- Lani and Bobby Ryono
- John M. Sakamoto
- K. Shida
- Joni Shimabukuro
- Kazuto and Lynn Shimizu
- Greg Stillman
- Y. Ping Sun
- Fumi L. Suzuki
- Robert Takahashi
- Kevin Tamaki
- Christeen Taniguchi
- Tom Taniguchi
- Asako Tokuno
- Vonn Tran
- Janice Trubitt
- Andrew Urushima
- Kay Wakatake
- Henrianne Kishie Wakefield
- Jean Wilson
- Anne Wilson
- Betty Wong
- Frank Yamamoto
- Robert Zeigan
Supporter (under $50)
- Juan Carlos Arauz
- Peter and Susan Beeson
- Robin Benson Tateishi
- MK Bretsch
- Joseph Campbell
- Joanne Chew
- Nancy Clayton
- Linda S. Clem
- Kiyo Endecott
- Teresa Evan-Ryan
- John and Nancy Evenden
- D. Scott Ferguson
- Marcia Forkos
- Taira Fukushima
- Akira Heshiki
- Akira Horiuchi
- Chris Hoxie
- Chia Chao and Elsie Lee Huang
- Megan Huey
- Mary Ida
- Mushim Ikeda
- Kiyoshi Imai
- John Iwasaki
- Gayle Jacob
- Ike Kawahara
- Mary S. Komachi
- Alice Kwok
- Bettie Luke
- Lori Lyman
- Ms. Marsha Maruyama
- Esther T. Matsubara
- Joe-Joe McManus
- Georgina McPhee
- Arata Miyagi
- Lea Mizumoto
- John & Laura Moriyama
- Michael Mukai
- Benjamin Miura
- Nikki Nagata
- Annie Nguyen
- Jeanette Nishimori
- Dye Ogata
- Toni Okada
- Jonathon Otsuji
- Karen Kishi Powers
- Ann Rutkofsky
- Janice and David Sechrist
- Garry Sera
- Patricia Shih
- Dorothy Shimizu
- Juanna Shin
- Mark Shreve
- Mieko Sugimoto
- Michi Tagawa
- Wendy Takenaga
- Phyllis Tamada-Brown
- Rikio and Evelyn Tsuda
- Gary Tsuruda
- Elsie Wakano
- Terry Wang
- Alley Wataba
- Helen S. Moriyama
In Honor of Col. Charles H. Moriyama, MIS - Bette Inui
In Memory of Roy H. Inui, MIS
- Bob Akaki
In Honor of Yuki Akaki, 522nd FAB - Patsy Akimoto
- Yoshio Ekimoto
In Honor of 100th Inf HQ - George Fujimoto
- Glenn Goya
In Honor of Edwin S. Goya, 442, Co. E - Jerry Gustafson
In Memory of Senator “Dan” Inouye (442, E Co.) - Fumie & Wesley Hamamura
- Isao Ily Hasama
In Honor of Togo Sugiyama, 442 - Joann Hendrickson
In Honor of Daniel Eiji Takehara, MIS - Katsumi Hikido
In Honor of Mamoru Mum Arii, 442, E Co. - Leo Hosoda
- Norman S. Ikari
In Honor of Robert S. Ikari (MIS) and Ted. T. Ikari (442) - Constance Ishio
In Honor of Phil S. Ishio, MIS - Susumu Ito
- Richard and Sammy Iwata
- Neil T. Kamikawa
In Honor of Francis T. Kamikawa, 100th - S.S. Koide
In Honor of Samuel S. Koide, MIS - Mitsuo and Marjorie Kunihiro
In Honor of Major Shizuo Kunihiro, MIS - Cpt. Frank and Ginger Masuoka
In Honor of S/SGT Pete E. Masuoka, 442 - Harry Matsumoto
In Honor of Mutt Gusatsu - Allen H. Meyer
In Honor of Chicago Nisei Post #1183 - MIS Veterans Club of Kauai
- James K. Mita
In Honor of Tatsuki Kanada, 442, F Co.
- Don S. Miyada
- Dr. and Mrs. Raymond S. Murakami
In Honor of Col Tom Sakamoto, MIS - Minoru Nagaoka
In Honor of 442 RCT - Masako Nakagawa
In Honor of Kiyoto Nakagawa - George and Sylvia Nakamura
- Ellen Nakashima
In Honor of Shigemitsu Nakashima - Judy Niizawa
In Memory of Rudy Tokiwa (442), Johnny Chuichi Niizawa (MIS) - Susan Oka
In Honor of Isao Oka, MIS - Teiji Okuda
- Bess M. Saito
In Honor of George Saito (442, Co. H), Shozo Saito (442, Service Co.), and Calvin Saito (442, Co. K) - Hitoshi G. Sameshima
In Honor of SGT Joe R. Hayashi, 442, K Co. - Louise S. Shinto
In Memory of Richard U. Shinto, 442, Company I - Lillian Sodetani
Toshimi Sodetani, 100th, Company C - Sam Sugidono
In Honor of Jiro Sugidono (442, Co. L) - John and Mary Sunada
In Memory of Yoneto Nakata, MIS - Allan and Joy Tanigawa
In Honor of Seiji Tanigawa, 100th Bn - Yasu Teramura
- Masuo and Ann Tsuda
- Stephanie Whiting
In Memory of Arthur Asao Misaki (MIS) - James S. Yamaki
- Herbert K. Yanamura
- Ronald Y. Yoshida, MIS
- Tokuji Yoshihashi